Monthly Archives: September 2014

Recommended Reading

The Abbeville Institute ( is a rich source of very good information regarding Southern Culture and History. Here you will find wonderful articles by men such as Dr. Clyde Wilson, Dr. Donald Livingston, Walter D. (Donnie) Kennedy, James Ronald Kennedy, Brion McClanahan, Carl Jones and a host of other engaging authors. A number of these writers are also members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. These articles can be a great source of helpful information. Be sure to listen to the Statement of Principles (photo of Dr. Donald Livingston) on the front page. This site (and organization) is highly recommended.


An Editor’s View on producing Newsletters – Opinion

by Daryl Coleman, 1st Lt. Cmdr & Newsletter Editor


Editing a camp newsletter is something I deeply believe to be both an honor and a responsibility. As an editor, I get to judge the content and the style of our camp’s newsletter, and I get to do something I really enjoy doing. In light of the fact that I have and will have the honor of presenting a short newsletter class at some of the Leadership Training Conferences we are holding around the Texas Division, I would like to share some thoughts on the content aspect of this. You might call this Coleman’s Suggested Content Rules for Camp Newsletters.

Rule 1

When writing a camp newsletter, remember first and foremost that you are representing The Sons of Confederate Veterans. This means that you, the editor, are editing your camp’s newsletter under the name and logo of the organization, and as such you have the responsibility to faithfully represent the organization in a good light by displaying honor and honesty to the very best of your ability.

Rule 2

Never use the camp newsletter to forward a personal agenda. In other words, don’t use the newsletter to advance a personal cause which lies outside of the stated purposes or goals of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. If you need clarification on this, read the SCV Purpose Statement, which can be found on our national website and near the end of this newsletter. This would include waging a war of words upon a fellow SCV member (especially by name) in good standing. By way of example, I saw this very thing occur while I was in my first camp in the SCV a number of years ago, where the newsletter editor literally waged a verbal assault upon the man who at that time was the Commander-in-Chief of the SCV (a man who was voted into that position by the membership). Yes, I know full well they had differences (the editor was himself a past CINC of the organization), but he used the camp newsletter to wage this war, and I happen to think he was wrong to use it for that purpose. Our editor at that time had forgotten that the newsletter belonged to the camp and not to him personally.

Rule 3

Never use the camp newsletter to advance personal arguments against current political leaders. This is NOT to say that we cannot advocate for a position on aheritage violation or something like that. For example, I believe it entirely appropriate to advocate against the recent actions of the leadership at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, or against the Chancellor at Ole Miss for his recently announced plans to do away with the nickname of ‘Ole Miss’ at the University of Mississippi, or against the city leaders for their renaming of parks in Memphis, Tennessee. Rather, I am suggesting that ragging on a fellow camp member due to his personal faith views, or sexual orientation, or political affiliations in the camp newsletter should be viewed as entirely inappropriate. Personally, I have deep differences with some fellow SCV members over faith issues, political affiliations and personal/social issues, but it is not my right or responsibility to use the camp newsletter to advance or air out those issues. It is my opinion that should an editor ever choose to step over this line, the camp should have him step down from that responsibility, or at least seek to come to an understanding about it.

Rule 4

Know your potential audience. The camp newsletter, while primarily for the benefit of your camp members, will most likely also be read by SCV members outside your own camp, as well as by prospective future SCV members. Also, there is a strong possibility that your newsletter will be read by members of the press and by those who would love nothing more than to be given ammunition which could and would be used against us. Please do not forget this… there are folks out there who are deeply opposed to our seeking to vindicate the cause of our Confederate Soldier ancestors. They are prowling around seeking to devour us for the things we stand for. Therefore, we should seek to be always on guard.

These are my personal rules I try to work by, and only ask that you consider why they might be helpful suggestions.

Upcoming Meetings – September 2014

On September 8th we will be very fortunate to have author Scott Bowden with us. Scott, a member of the Albert Sidney Johnston Camp in Houston, Texas (actually resides in Grapevine, TX), is an accomplished author who is in rather serious demand as a speaker. Scott has written a number of books on various military history related subjects. The presentation he will bring is entitled “Fearless Under Fire: How Robert E. Lee Commanded the Army of Northern Virginia”. You absolutely should not miss this meeting and presentation. The opportunity will be there for you to acquire one or more of his very fine books. See page 4 for a full page flyer on his newest publications.

In October, Ronnie Atnip of the Capt. Bob Lee Camp in Bonham will visit to speak on the Lee-Peacock feud. In November, Norma Holley will visit to speak about the Knights of the Golden Circle.

Meetings remain on the second Monday of each month, at Soulman’s BBQ, 691 E. I-30, Rockwall (near SE corner of Ridge Rd. and I-30, next door to Applebee’s).

Dispatch – September 2014

During the past 5 months or so we appear to have turned a corner, for the good. We are now experiencing some long desired growth, for which we should be very thankful. This has happened in part due to the tenacity of some of our members in seeking out and bringing in like minded men who are themselves descendents of Confederate Veterans. Let us keep up the good work. As we grow more in number, we will be able to do more and do it efficiently and effectively.

As we grow in numbers, we should also grow in maturity as a camp. This includes our education. You will note in the newsletter an announcement of the Central Texas Leadership Conference to be held in Bryan, Texas on Saturday, September 20. Please consider driving down for this meeting. We held one in Gainesville early in the summer, and there was only one there from the Rockwall Cavalry Camp. This meeting in Bryan is very much worth the drive. Sessions at this conference will help you to take your place in leadership of the Rockwall Cavalry Camp and the Texas Division. Our own 1st Lt. Cmdr Daryl Coleman will be leading the Newsletter session, and there will be a number of compatriots from other camps and Brigades leading sessions on other topics. This seminar will also present you with the opportunity to meet compatriots from other areas who can be of great assistance to you in the future. See page 7 of this newsletter for more information.

Very quickly, probably at our November meeting, we will again hold an election to elect our Camp Commander, 1st. Lt. Commander and Adjutant for 2015. Other posts will be filled by the Commander. Be thinking about this, and if you have someone you would like to nominate, please forward the name to Adj. Chief Bear of our nominating committee. We will want to keep our momentum moving forward as we go into 2015. As we will not have a normal meeting in December, we will elect in November and have our new officers take up their duties in our January meeting. We have so far been very blessed with smooth transitions, and we look forward to continuing that in January.

God Bless,

Richard M. Powell, Commander
Commander R.M. Powell