Monthly Archives: May 2015

Call to Arms

Able-Bodied/Able-Minded compatriots
Call to Rockwall Cavalry Camp Duty!



Well, almost. Or maybe to use the Naval lingo… All Hands On Deck! This next Saturday (May 16) is the Rockwall Founder’s Day Festival, and we will be up front and center (so to speak). Compatriot Doug Garnett from the Capt. Bob Lee Camp in Bonham will be joining with us to exhibit his field hospital display for all interested casualties… ummm, I mean the public. Right next to him we will have our display table setup for camp recruiting. I have an ample supply of recruiting brochures and such. Commander Bass and I have committed to being there, but we could benefit from one to three more campatriots to assist us in this effort which is so important to our camp. Please consider coming to help out. If you can, please say so in the meeting and/or let me personally know. I will supply a cooler with drinks, and there are ample eating opportunities available at the Festival.

Also, on the weekend of May 16, North Texas SCV camps will have a recruiting table at the Big Town Gun Show, Mesquite. If you would like to be there for a spell to help recruit, contact Daryl Coleman (214.725.3330) and I will put you in touch with the coordinator.

Editor Corner – May 2015

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of you that we do not currently have a 2nd Lieutenant Commander for the camp. This position is basically responsible for recruiting and retention. The responsibilities for this are not difficult or overly involved, and will not cost one very much time at all, but it is something vital to the life of our camp. If you believe you could contribute to your camp by serving at this post, please mention it to Commander Bass.

Since questions have been asked over the past several meetings, I would like to offer a quick clarification about our pledges. In our camp we have pledges to the US Flag and to the Texas Flag. We also say a salute to the Confederate Battle Flag, the Soldier’s Flag. These are subject to personal conscience and are not mandatory. Same goes for prayers at the opening and closing of the meeting. Your choices are your own and will be respected. All we ask is that our members show due regard and respect to our flags and practices in our meetings.

Daryl Coleman, Editor

Upcoming Meeting – May 2015

In our April 13 meeting, Compatriot Bob Rubel, Commander of the Terry’s Texas Rangers Camp #1937, Cleburne, Texas, presented to us, “Images of the Conflict-Art of the War of Northern Aggression”. Bob brought with him a number of prints pertaining to our Confederate Veterans and their experiences during the War of Northern Aggression. In the process of showing these, he made some comments about various artists who produce these works, as a way of introducing some of them to us.

On May 11 meeting, Larry Wilhoite (Commander, O.M. Roberts Camp #178, Waxahachie, Texas) will present “Texas and Their Flags”, a presentation recently given at the Confederate Heritage and Lecture Series in Longview, Texas.

In our June meeting Commander Jack Dyess of the Col. W. H. Griffin SCV Camp 2235 will bring a somber presentation comparing the situation and conditions of the Federal POW Camp Douglas (Chicago) with the Confederate POW camp at Andersonville, Georgia.

Meetings remain on the second Monday of each month, at Soulman’s BBQ, 691 E. I-30, Rockwall (near SE corner of Ridge Rd. and I-30, next door to Applebee’s). We meet for dinner at 6 pm, and the meeting starts at 7 pm.

Dispatch – May 2015

Howdy Ya’ll!

Where did the month go? It slipped up on me. Well we are headed in the right direction. Our membership is growing. We still have some in the waiting. Hope everyone has got their date books all marked. There is a lot coming up. We need everyone who can be involved in all of the upcoming events to do so. Show your support!


Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203