Monthly Archives: January 2016

Calendar Events 2016

Jan 11, 2016—Monthly meeting, Rockwall Cavalry Camp, Compatriot Jim Skelton presenting. We will also be installing camp officers for 2016.

Feb 8, 2016—Monthly meeting, Rockwall Cavalry Camp

Nov 5-6, 2016—Tentative short trip to Vicksburg, MS for tour of sites (Vicksburg Battlefield, Soldiers Rest Cemetery, Champions Hill); Saturday afternoon & Sunday morning after breakfast and short service. If interested, contact Daryl Coleman.

Editor’s Corner – December 2015

In our November meeting we held elections to decide on our Camp Officers for the coming year. Our Camp Officer for 2016 are:

Camp Commander: Charles Stansell
1st Lieutenant Commander: Daryl K. Coleman
2nd Lieutenant Commander: Robert “Rub” Bass
Camp Adjutant: Chief Bear Who Walks Softly
Camp Chaplain: Dan DuBose
Guardian Program Chair: Tommy Knox

We wish to make known that more than one camp member has very generously made a sizeable financial contribution to the camp recently for which the camp wishes to express it’s deep appreciation! Thank You very much!!

Thank You
Daryl K. Coleman
1st Lt. Cmdr. & Newsletter Editor

Upcoming Meeting – December 2015

In our November 9 meeting, we were very pleased to host Compatriot James Skelton, a member of the Red Diamond Camp (Texarkana). James presented “A Quick History Trip Through Beauvoir”. James was the escort for his lovely wife, Andrea Skelton.

For our next meeting on January 11, we will be hosting James Neel, a long time reenactor and historian from Sulphur Springs, Texas. James will present an explanation of how the Confederate Army was organized, from top to bottom.

Meetings remain on the second Monday of each month, at Soulman’s BBQ, 691 E. I-30, Rockwall (near SE corner of Ridge Rd. and I-30, next door to Applebee’s). We meet for dinner at 6 pm, and the meeting starts at 7 pm.

Dispatch – December 2015

Howdy Ya’ll!

As we began a new year, we look back at the roads we have traveled. Some have been smooth and straight, others have been rocky and uphill. But we as a group with the same GOALS have stuck it out and gotten stronger. With this new year we must stay strong and stand united! We need all members to plan to be at January meeting, where we will be swearing in new camp officers. We need to be behind and support all of our camp officers. Your opinion does matter, but you must speak up. We have a goal to keep growing
and KEEPING the TRUTH alive. Bring your family and friends to the next meeting.


Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203