Able-Bodied/Able-Minded compatriots
Call to Rockwall Cavalry Camp Duty!
Well, almost. Or maybe to use the Naval lingo… All Hands On Deck! This next Saturday (May 16) is the Rockwall Founder’s Day Festival, and we will be up front and center (so to speak). Compatriot Doug Garnett from the Capt. Bob Lee Camp in Bonham will be joining with us to exhibit his field hospital display for all interested casualties… ummm, I mean the public. Right next to him we will have our display table setup for camp recruiting. I have an ample supply of recruiting brochures and such. Commander Bass and I have committed to being there, but we could benefit from one to three more campatriots to assist us in this effort which is so important to our camp. Please consider coming to help out. If you can, please say so in the meeting and/or let me personally know. I will supply a cooler with drinks, and there are ample eating opportunities available at the Festival.
Also, on the weekend of May 16, North Texas SCV camps will have a recruiting table at the Big Town Gun Show, Mesquite. If you would like to be there for a spell to help recruit, contact Daryl Coleman (214.725.3330) and I will put you in touch with the coordinator.