Category Archives: Commander Dispatch

Dispatch – May & June 2018


badge1We just concluded our 121st Texas Division State Reunion in Nacogdoches. I was very proud to serve as one of our camps 3 delegates this year. If you have never had the opportunity to attend, I would highly recommend representing the camp next year. With our continued growth, I believe we will see one more delegate added to our overall headcount. Membership needs to remain a key objective for our camp. It not only helps add to the States defense fun, but also allows us the opportunity to meet new patriots and expand the camps ability to perform more activities.

Several topics were discussed this year’s reunion including the proposed new license plate, but also continued conversations on current law suits and on-going work to protect monuments throughout the State. We still have work to do in preserving Dallas’s remaining monuments, but as a camp we also need to see how we can assist in the battle to reinstall the Lee monument.

badge2My favorite part of this year’s reunion was the Division award luncheon. The Rockwall Camp received a total of 3 Bronze Cross’s for meritorious service to the Division, and an Honor Award for Soulman’s BBQ in recognition for the years of supporting our camp and the SCV. These awards will be presented at our July 9th meeting. I would ask that we have a full house to support and recognize these individuals.

Stay strong and continue the fight………

Deo Vindice,

David Rediger
Commander Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203
2nd Lt Commander 4th Brigade

Dispatch – July & August


I believe that the members of our camp including myself have great pride being members of the SCV. For this I am grateful. Our purpose is of great importance… to honor our ancestors, to protect history that has been maligned and distorted and to defend the just cause in the War Of Northern Aggression.

Lincoln was using the pretext of liberating the slaves but by the end of the war, 100,000 slaves were fighting with the Confederates. We must remember that General Sherman used the art of warfare employed by the unsuccessful by destroying the Confederates supply base and causing economic ruin. He is quoted saying “that no soldier coming after him will find anything to eat”.
We must remember the gallantry of the Confederate soldier under these conditions as SCV members, eo do our best to protect our flag and his good name. This is our mission and we will not fail.

Deo Vindice,

Charles J. Stansell
Commander, 2016
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – March & April 2016


Showing support for Confederate ancestors and their just cause is what we are about. Recently, our ancestors and their flags have been attacked, maligned and smeared more than anytime since reconstruction even though 94% of Confederate soldiers never owned a slave. If one reads history books used in state schools written before 1900 and compare them to today’s school history text books, one asks himself how could the causes of the War of Northern Aggression have changed over time? You know the answer to that question. We also exist to state and stand up for the truth of their just cause, and to defend their honor. Lincoln invaded his own country using tactics which would repulse most decent military officers. Long may our flag wave.

I am excited that it appears that our Camp is growing and for this I am grateful. The Texas Division Reunion is in June, and the 121st National Reunion will be held in Richardson in July and I hope many members of our camp can attend. More information on these can be found on pages 4 & 5.

Deo Vindice,

Charles J. Stansell
Commander, 2016 Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – December 2015

Howdy Ya’ll!

As we began a new year, we look back at the roads we have traveled. Some have been smooth and straight, others have been rocky and uphill. But we as a group with the same GOALS have stuck it out and gotten stronger. With this new year we must stay strong and stand united! We need all members to plan to be at January meeting, where we will be swearing in new camp officers. We need to be behind and support all of our camp officers. Your opinion does matter, but you must speak up. We have a goal to keep growing
and KEEPING the TRUTH alive. Bring your family and friends to the next meeting.


Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – November 2015

Howdy Ya’ll!

It has been a good year fer our camp. We need all members present at this next meeting! It’s time to elect new officers for 2016. We need everyone to step up and speak up that is interested in taking one of the positions. It’s time to get “Involved”!!!!! All dues should have been paid by now. But if not, National has extended the deadline until December. Speaking of December our monthly meeting will be combined with the 4th Brigade Christmas party. This will be December 5th at 1st State Bank Conference Bldg., Gainesville Texas. Bring your favorite covered dish and an item fer the auction. This will be fer Texas Division Heritage Defense. Have you became a Guardian yet?


Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – June 2015

Howdy! I have been crazy busy lately with my business, but I thought I would take this opportunity to encourage you, during the slower summer months, to do several things. First, try to bring a guest to our upcoming meetings. Also, if you have friends or relatives in the area, see if any of them might be interested in checking our camp and organization out. You never know where that next new compatriot might be found. Third, please consider getting involved in the Guardian Program. It’s easy and really will cost you nothing, aside from driving over to a cemetery in Rockwall County and picking out a Confederate veteran’s grave to adopt. Lieutenant Commander Daryl Coleman has already picked one out that he is adopting, so ask him about it if you like.

See you at the next meeting!

Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – May 2015

Howdy Ya’ll!

Where did the month go? It slipped up on me. Well we are headed in the right direction. Our membership is growing. We still have some in the waiting. Hope everyone has got their date books all marked. There is a lot coming up. We need everyone who can be involved in all of the upcoming events to do so. Show your support!


Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – Feb/Mar 2015

Howdy Y’all !

Going into our third month of the year. We are off to good start… a lot of good things are in the planning stage. There’s a lot of great speakers lined up. Many events planned. We as a camp must keep pushing ahead. With all the talking and planning we must follow through with all of it. A lot of good people have put a lot of time and effort into all this, so we MUST push AHEAD. As you are out, talk to everyone you can. We need people to know what we are all about. We are now listed on Rockwall events list. These are the kind of things that will get more people involved. Please speak up with any idea or suggestion you may have. Don’t forget about the Guardian Program !!!

Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – January 2015

Howdy ya’ll!

Rub-L-BassI am very happy to have been elected your Commander. Together I hope to keep this camp on the path it has been going. Getting new members and keep what we have. I am the type of person that thinks “action” speaks louder that words. In the coming days I plan to speak to each and everyone of the membership. We have some positions (old & new) that need to be filled. When I am talking to you let me know if you are willing to fill one of the positions. I do want the person taking a position to do so because he thinks he can contribute and not just for the title. We have some great people in the key positions now. BUT they are carrying the whole lot (without any complaints). I would like to spread it out to as many members as are willing.

So everyone get involved. Feel free to call me or email me anytime with your concerns or suggestions. Hopefully I will have a lot more to report next month.

Deo Vindice

Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203

Dispatch – November 2014


Richard-M-PowellIn our November meeting we will be taking nominations and then electing, for the year 2015, our Camp Commander, 1st Lt. Commander and Camp Adjutant (as detailed in our Camp Constitution). The 2015 Camp Commander will then appoint other camp members to various positions. As of today, those are 2nd Lt. Commander, and Chaplain. I would like to suggest that we consider adding a Guardian Program Chair, a Color Sergeant, and Aide-de-Camp, if we can find men to fill those positions. There are various other positions possible which other camps sometimes have, and we can address those if there is any desire to look at that.

I would also like to thank everyone that came to our October meeting. We had a lot of visitors and members as well. Remember, bring family and friends and anyone that might like to join or just see what we are all about. We have had a good increase in our membership this year, lets keep it up. We have a lot going on the next few months, if you are able to contribute or just be at the functions please do.

In all we do, lets remember the Golden Rule: Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

God Bless you all, and our Confederate Ancestors
Richard M. Powell, Commander
Commander R.M. Powell