Dispatch – August 2014

I would like to thank all who were able to come to our last meeting in July. The ones who couldn’t make it missed a good program put on by Chief Bear about the Cherokee and other native Americans who fought for the Southern Cause.

The camp is beginning to grow. We all need to recruit at least one member per year. Daryl, is putting together some great programs and activities for the coming months and we should support as many of these as we possibly can. I know everyone has a life outside of the SCV, and it is hard sometimes to do as much as we would like. But lets put every effort into the coming months to do our part. We also should have a few visitors from the UDC the next few meeting. So everyone act like Southern Gentlemen, because the girls of the UDC are all Southern Ladies and they fit the part.

We have new leadership at National, so lets pray for our leaders. I want to thank Texas Division 2nd Lt. Commander Gary Bray and his beautiful bride for coming to our meetings, and for all of our members for remaining loyal to the Cause.

God Bless,

Richard M. Powell, Commander
Commander R.M. Powell