Howdy ya’ll!
I am very happy to have been elected your Commander. Together I hope to keep this camp on the path it has been going. Getting new members and keep what we have. I am the type of person that thinks “action” speaks louder that words. In the coming days I plan to speak to each and everyone of the membership. We have some positions (old & new) that need to be filled. When I am talking to you let me know if you are willing to fill one of the positions. I do want the person taking a position to do so because he thinks he can contribute and not just for the title. We have some great people in the key positions now. BUT they are carrying the whole lot (without any complaints). I would like to spread it out to as many members as are willing.
So everyone get involved. Feel free to call me or email me anytime with your concerns or suggestions. Hopefully I will have a lot more to report next month.
Deo Vindice
Rub L. Bass, Commander
Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203