We just concluded our 121st Texas Division State Reunion in Nacogdoches. I was very proud to serve as one of our camps 3 delegates this year. If you have never had the opportunity to attend, I would highly recommend representing the camp next year. With our continued growth, I believe we will see one more delegate added to our overall headcount. Membership needs to remain a key objective for our camp. It not only helps add to the States defense fun, but also allows us the opportunity to meet new patriots and expand the camps ability to perform more activities.
Several topics were discussed this year’s reunion including the proposed new license plate, but also continued conversations on current law suits and on-going work to protect monuments throughout the State. We still have work to do in preserving Dallas’s remaining monuments, but as a camp we also need to see how we can assist in the battle to reinstall the Lee monument.
My favorite part of this year’s reunion was the Division award luncheon. The Rockwall Camp received a total of 3 Bronze Cross’s for meritorious service to the Division, and an Honor Award for Soulman’s BBQ in recognition for the years of supporting our camp and the SCV. These awards will be presented at our July 9th meeting. I would ask that we have a full house to support and recognize these individuals.
Stay strong and continue the fight………
Deo Vindice,
David Rediger
Commander Rockwall Cavalry Camp #2203
2nd Lt Commander 4th Brigade