Editor’s Corner – November 2015

I would like to quickly address the upcoming elections for 2016 Camp Officers. As always, this is an important time for our camp, as it sets the course for the next year. At the present, we have three elective offices in our camp (Camp Commander, 1st Lt. Commander and Camp Adjutant). In short, the Camp Commander is our leader, the main camp cheerleader and the facilitator of our camp meetings. The 1st Lt. Commander sets camp presentations and does the meeting agenda, and presides over camp meetings when the Camp Commander cannot be present. The Camp Adjutant handles our camp finances, meeting minutes and registration of new members. All other camp officers are chosen and serve at the pleasure of the Camp Commander. Please be thinking of how and in what capacity you might serve our camp, and be ready to forward nominations on Monday. If you would like to run for an elective office, some training or prep might be in order. Also, the camp could use a 2nd Lt. Commander to handle recruiting and retention. Having someone to handle camp flags and greeting of visitors at meetings would be very helpful also. Note, these things are already being done, but by the existing camp officers who already carry other duties. Remember, no one person has to do too much if we have a number of men willing to do something.

Thank You
Daryl K. Coleman
1st Lt. Cmdr. & Newsletter Editor