Men of The Texas Division:
As you all know, the sale/move of the Museum of The Confederacy in Richmond has been in the news for some time. It appears now that the time is drawing near for this to happen. We are all very concerned about this and many of you have contacted me with questions on this subject. I have no definitive word for you except that our National leadership is working very hard to protect our historical articles . I have been in contact with National and want to assure you that they are very actively pursuing and studying all possible solutions.
We, as members, should be prepared to support whatever course of action our National leadership determines. This support may include financial donations or any other activities requested. I ask that each of you be prepared to respond with the courage and dedication that you have always shown in the past. Our Gallant Ancestors persisted in the face of overwhelming odds and never faltered. We must be prepared to do the same.
We won a battle at Beeville because we were right and members of the Texas Division stepped up and responded when called. We are working daily on the Ft.Lancaster problem and I will possibly be calling on you all for your support in this endeavor. We can never let down our guard in the area of Heritage defense or stop our Heritage offense. As we enter the holiday season, let us rededicate ourselves to fight as never before.
Pray for our National leaders and our Cause.
Merry Christmas, God Bless The South and God Bless you all.
You Servant,.
Johnnie Holley
Texas Division
Sons Of Confederate Veterans